Last night I was able to take part in a street evangelism outreach. This particular outreach began at 10pm & finished around 1am. Being my first time to take part in this outreach, I was somewhat nervous & wasn't for sure what to expect. I wasn't so much nervous about being out late at night or having to talk to people on the street...this specific outreach took place in the prostitute district of our city. This was definitely a new experience for this small town boy who grew up in a "city" of 3,500 people! This was something I had never done in English, let alone Portuguese! But, I went with a heart focused on prayer for those who would do most of the talking & with a learner's attitude.
What I found after the first 10 minutes on the street were people who were trapped in a way of life that they think is impossible to get out of. I use the word "people" because they are not all "ladies" of the night. These people are prisoners of one thing...sin. They are so blinded by the fact that there is no other way to get money, affection, attention, love, etc., that this lifestyle binds them to the only thing that they know how to do.
We approached one young lady, probably no more than 18-20 years old, who refused to take a piece of candy on a paper that shared God's plan for her life. She would not even put it in her purse to read later. As we stood 100 feet from the front door of the Catholic church in that neighborhood, her words will forever be engrained into my memory: "God & sex don't mix. I'm Catholic & I pray everyday, but I can't take your paper to read. I will be fine."
Last night, the Father of Light invaded the prince of darkness. My heart broke for those who know no other way than being blinded by the father of lies. My convictions for sharing my faith with others was intensified last night. The urgency of reaching a lost city was magnified by what I saw, by what I felt, & by the overwhelming darkness that we encountered. Jesus must be shared...PERIOD.
Please, let me encourage you who read this post...share your faith with others. Let those who are blinded by the evil one know that there is a Hope that is within you. Love them, see them through the eyes of Christ, & show them how to break free from the chains of sin that bind their life.
"And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God." -2 Corinthians 4:3-4
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