The house is full of sickness!!! I am blaming this on my supervisor, Jeff. (It's not really his fault, but hey, someone HAS to be blamed! HA!) I don't think any of us got any sleep last night. Poor Laura was up with Dristen who has been coughing for the past week, Camden was up with the same cough & I was on the wait, the wait the get the picture, with a fever, cough, & runny nose. It's amazing how mom's can NEVER get sick! Not sure what we would do without the only lady in the house. It would be pretty pathetic. Thanks, Laura, for always taking care of your boys.
When Camden & Tanner came home from school today, I "scheduled" individual appointments with them to talk about "life." I mean, being 6 & 4 years old carries some heavy responsibilities! Speaking Portuguese in school, new friends, new teachers, & a new schedule. So, we just had a time to talk about the likes & dislikes of their new school.
Camden told me that they played a matching game today & when he got the correct match, then all of the students would clap & cheer for him. He said that they really like the American Kid in their school. He is always talking about his new buddy Eduardo & things that they did during the day. I praise God that He has given him a good friend at school already.
Tanner told me that his favorite thing about school is the "blue room." This is the exercise room with soft, blue mats to jump & flip on. He also has made a good friend named Luca. We are going to Luca's birthday party at the end of the month. This is a big deal! This means that Tanner is already one of the group! God is faithful to hear & answer our prayers.
This past move to Porto Alegre has been tough. This is our second winter of the year! It's been trying for all of us these first few weeks. But, we rely on this verse often, "He Who calls you is faithful; He will surely do it." -1 Thes. 5:24
Please pray with me this prayer that I have prayed these past few days...Lord, let ME get out of the way so that YOU can do YOUR work, in YOUR way, with YOUR people, & do it in YOUR time.
One other prayer...please pray for my friend Ryan's daughter. She went for some tests today about a heart murmur. Pray God's will be done.
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